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About Us

Our veterinary profession is becoming more feminised; there is a growing need for practices to provide friendly environments that cater to all of our team if we wish to have thriving practices, happy teams, and excellent outcomes for our clients and patients.


Due to the change in the demographics of the profession, 97% of our team members are women.


Women are also predominantly the primary caregivers of their children. This is where Smooth Operating Vets comes in.

We understand the pressures of running a business where your team members are managing a successful and rewarding career whilst still having a life. Be it family, sports, traveling, or whatever.


We understand the pressures of being the vet, tech, nurse, and support staff, who want a successful and rewarding career but cannot work the 50 to 60 hours expected previously.


We understand that our team members are highly educated, highly motivated, and highly dedicated and will be an asset to your practice.

And in this day and age, we all need to work differently from previous generations.


Everyone is looking for a great culture, communication, flexibility, continuing education, career prospects, and financial reward in their career now.


We as practice owners and managers, need to provide it so that each of us can,


“Bring our best person, to do our best work, in our own best time.”


Jocelyn has had 40 years of experience in the vet profession and has a thriving vet practice.


She has developed and documented everything that you need to start and or manage your clinic to ensure that you also have a great culture and workplace for your team.


Jocelyn is available to mentor you through many aspects of starting and growing your veterinary practice.


Jocelyn has done it and is still doing it.


She also knows the unconscious bias that women still have to manage when they approach banks and other institutions when they want to get a loan go into business themselves or even negotiate a flexible pathway.


So, if you want to get ahead in your career, be it starting a practice or developing a great culture and workplace at your practice, let’s talk about it.


Schedule a consultation today to take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of yourself and or your veterinary practice.


In 2024 Jocelyn will be the keynote speaker at a USA conference and also present at the WVAC (World Veterinary Association Congress) in Cape Town.


Jocelyn has presented on webinars, podcasts, and at conferences. The most recent ones have been the VetForum International in Singapore, the subject was, “Tackling recruitment and retention: How to work with a highly educated, motivated and dedicated feminized workforce.”


She also presented at The Vet Success Summit for the Practice Success Collective, at the Australian Veterinary Association conference in 2023 and 2022, the VetExpo in Sydney, and the Vet Business Group Summit in Melbourne, speaking about how we as practice owners and managers need to recognise and adapt to the feminisation of our profession.


Jocelyn is dedicated to inspiring and enabling women vets to achieve whatever they desire in their careers, be it owning a practice, working as a specialist or GP vet, or whatever is chosen while balancing it with their families and their lives.

If you have an event, conference, podcast, or webinar that would benefit from a presentation by Jocelyn,


please e-mail her >>




Our Programs

Work with me to fast-forward your ambitions

If you want to:


  • Start a new practice, And/or


  • Find more financial, professional, and life freedom in your practice.​


I have a Smooth Operating Vet Practice; I have been there and am doing that.

Owning and running a vet practice is hard work, but the rewards are well worth it, gaining you financial, professional, and time freedom.

AND, it can be a whole lot easier if you have access to all the information, experiences, and knowledge that I have right now.

If you are looking for 1-1 mentoring to start a new practice, or “de novo” practice as they are called now, or want to find more financial, professional, and life freedom in your practice.


Schedule a consultation today to take the first step towards unlocking the full potential of yourself and or your veterinary practice.


We can have a chat about your ideas and plans and see if we can make it happen together!







Get our newsletters if you want to know more about us and what we do!


I write down-to-earth, pithy, and realistic newsletters.

They are from the heart and the real events happening day to day in a regional veterinary practice.


I write about what happens and why we do what we do to achieve a thriving, profitable, and happy veterinary practice.

A Smooth Operating Vet Practice.

If you would like to receive our newsletters for hints, ideas, and some real and practical information, and you can join our super group of Smooth Operators!

Please click below to send your contact details.



Starting or buying a veterinary business is a huge step.


As veterinarians, we are not trained in the areas of finance, HR and employment law, management, and marketing.


Yet these are an essential part of running a thriving business.


Running a vet practice can be lonely.


Especially if you are running it on your own, but it can also happen if you have a partner or even a team.


To do this, it takes time, a special set of skills, and a special mindset.


It makes a huge difference if you have someone to work with you.


Someone who has made the journey knows your journey and has your back.



Jocelyn has done the hard yards and is running a thriving profitable Smooth-Operating Vet Practice in Central Queensland.



She knows the pitfalls and the right opportunities and can guide you.


She has a network of trusted businesses with which she works.



She knows that “if it’s going to be, it's up to me”.



So, if you want to change your life and gain financial, professional, and life freedom, work 1:1 with Jocelyn and make it happen now.



After 6 months, you will have a solid action plan happening, and your business started.




Your freedom started.


Your 6-month plan includes:



  • 4 x 60-minute sessions per month for a minimum of 6 months.



(We will make things happen Weekly.)






  • Set your intention: why, where, and what do you want to do?


  • We will develop your business plan.


  • Organise the finance, building, renting, renovating, or go through the buying system.


  • Build your resources and assets.


  • Then the rubber hits the road,...... commitment.


  • Services and equipment


  • Staff and HR systems


  • Future plans for the long game.




To find out how to reach your financial, professional, and time freedom.



Or you can choose 12 months of 1:1 MENTORING


You get the above PLUS



  • Ongoing Mentoring in the Establishment and Growth of Your Smooth Operating Vet Practice.






  • You will have access to many policy


and procedure documents that are used daily in our thriving practice.



Including HR documents and clinical and procedure templates to paste into your practice management software.


Saving you hundreds of hours of documentation.



  • Saving you time and head space to get your practice up and running in no time.




To find out how to reach your financial, professional, and time freedom.


Are you going to be one of the veterinary women who have a Smooth Operating Vet Practice up and running this year?



I only have 2 available spaces for 1:1 coaching.



So, if you are thinking about starting a practice, don’t put it off.






To talk to me about how to make your dreams a reality and achieve financial, professional, and time freedom.



Because if you don’t, no one else will do it for you, and you will be stuck where you are until you decide to do something different.






Let’s talk. JB


80% of vets are women!

"In 1983, the year I graduated, there were 50% women graduates.  Now there are 80% women graduates.  Even though we have many more graduates now, the ratio is the same.  Women have the children, we MUST find ways to manage their return to practice."


- Dr Jocelyn Birch-Baker, Founder, Smooth Operating Vets

feminisation of the workforce

"Of the respondents, 67% were female and 33% were male.  Five respondents identified as 'Other'.  This compares with the 2016 survey where 63% were female and 38% were male and the 2014 survey where 60 % were female and 40% were male.  The trends are consistent with increased feminisation of the veterinary workforce."


- AVA Australian Veterinary Workforce Survey 2018


A practice profile of 
High Street Veterinary Surgery


By: James Westgate

Published  in the "Veterinary Business Journal"  May 2021.  


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